Letter to Julie
Letter to Julie was written especially for Antònia Casellas's collection, J.K. Gibson-Graham. Hacia una economía postcapitalista o cómo retomar el control de lo cotidiano [J.K. Gibson-Graham. Towards a post-capitalist economy or how to regain control of everyday life], published by Editorial Icaria, Barcelona.
The English translation of the Letter is provided here. In the Letter, written in 2020, Katherine updates Julie on what has happened in the area of diverse and community economies scholarship in the ten years since Julie's death, and on recent events including the climate emergency, COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter.
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Suggested citation
Katherine Gibson, 2022, ‘Letter to Julie’ [English Translation]. In Casellas, A. (Ed.) J.K. Gibson-Graham. Hacia una economía postcapitalista o cómo retomar el control de lo cotidiano. Chapter 4, Colección Espacios Críticos. Barcelona: Editorial Icaria.