Il libro di Benedikt Schmid di recente pubblicazione intitolato Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart’s Community Economy esplora la costruzione di futuri urbani post-crescita più sostenibili ed equi attraverso l’analisi del lavoro di ventiquattro iniziative di comunità nella città tedesca di Stuttgart.

Schmid nota che una delle più importanti scoperte della sua ricerca risiede nell’impossibilità di…

Making Transformative Geographies

El nuevo libro de Benedikt Schmid, Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart's Community Economy, explora la creación de futuros urbanos “post-crecimiento” mediante la investigación de veinticuatro iniciativas radicadas en la ciudad alemana de Stuttgart que buscan un mundo más justo y sustentable.

Schmid comenta que uno de los…

Making Transformative Geographies

Benedikt Schmid‘s recent book Making Transformative Geographies: Lessons from Stuttgart's Community Economy explores the making of post-growth urban futures by researching how twenty-four initiatives in the German city of Stuttgart are forging a more just and sustainable world.

Schmid highlights that one major finding of the research is that “there is no…

Making Transformative Geographies

CE News

La exposición de Katherine Gibson en el plenario de la Conferencia Liviana del CERN inaugural ahora está disponible online (en Youtube) apretando aquí.

En el plenario, titulado Thinking with Community Economies (“Pensando con Economías Comunitarias”, en español), Gibson…

Community Economies

The plenary address by Katherine Gibson for the inaugural CERN Liviana Conference is now available online (on YouTube) by clicking here.

In the plenary, entitled Thinking with Community Economies, Gibson explored some of the ways that community economies scholars are thinking with and…

Community Economies

The final presentation in the CERN online Liviana conference was on the theme of Indigenous-led economic codesign, and was presented by Community Economy Research Network members Alison Guzman and Ignacio Krell who reflected on the process of working with the Mapuche-Lafkenche people of Lof Llaguepulli in the Lake Budi…

Lake Budi Mutual Support Group

During the second week of the online Liviana conference The Interdependence was launched to an international audience.

The Interdependence is a multi-local alliance between community economies initiatives that identify as being part of the alliance by using the identifier .idt, an alternative to more familiar identifiers such as .ltd or Inc.

The Interdependence…

The Interdependence

The recent online International Contagion Design Symposium featured four Community Economies Research Network (CERN) members from Australia, Britain and Europe who presented papers in a session on Contagious Mutualities.

In his co-presentation with Declan Kuch,…

Contagion Design

The Department of Decolonial Economics at El Cambalache is running on online Bootcamp Workshop in Decolonial Methods for Creating Social, Solidarity and Non-Hierarchical Economies.

The workshop will be in English and Spanish and will run from 18 to 22 January 2021, with applications open until all places are filled.

El Cambalache was founded in 2015 and is a moneyless economy project located in San Cristóbal…

El Cambalache

Coming to a screen near you! 2 to 14 Nov. 2020

#2020 Liviana Conference will be a decentralised series of exchanges and symposia over two weeks, providing an opportunity to connect and share. The event is based on the sense of openness, free-floating train of thought, and cheerful spirit that the Spanish term liviana connotes.

Full details at…

Liviana: CERN Online Conference

On Thursday 8 October, Community Economies Research Network members were part of an appreciative audience for the Schumacher Center for a New Economics event, ‘Winona LaDuke and Leah Penniman in Conversation.’

LaDuke is an…


Urban gardening is increasingly popular in various countries across the globe but this practice means something quite different depending on the context, as highlighted by Community Economies Research Network member Dr Lucie Sovová in her PhD thesis, Grow, Share or Buy: Understanding the Diverse Economies of Urban Gardeners…

Row of Cabbages

As part of World Commons Week Dr Anne Poelina, a Nyikina Warrwa woman from the Kimberley region of Western Australia, delivered a keynote webinar entitled “Sharing the Commons of the Martuwarra Fitzroy River Estate for our Greater Good.”

The webinar was organised by the newly formed Oceania Regional Chapter of the…

Anne Paolina Image

On Wednesday 30 September 2020, Community Economies Research Network (CERN) member Lauren Hudson presented a webinar, sponsored by the Society of Woman Geographers, entitled “‘An Ensemble of Possibilities’: Enunciating the Geography of New York City's Solidarity Economy.”

The presentation was based on Hudson’s doctoral research in which she explored how a…

An Ensemble of Possibilities

Looking for ideas for teaching about diverse economies and community economies? The Community Economies website includes a range of resources.

With the Take Back the Economy website now up and running, there is a dedicated section on…

Resources for Teaching Community Economies

Two books from the Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds book series won awards at the 2020 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting earlier this year.

Lindsay Naylor’s 2019 book Fair Trade Rebels: Coffee Production and Struggles for Autonomy in…

Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds

Over three days in July, the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) and the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) held a free online conference, Kyoto 2020, on the theme of Commons, Post-Development and Degrowth in Asia, and one of the presenters was CEI member…

Informal mining in the Philippines

Christian Anderson’s recently published book Urbanism without Guarantees: The Everyday Life of a Gentrifying West Side Neighborhood, is an ethnographic account of the contemporary everyday urban challenges of living in the far West Side of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, an area known as Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen.


Urbanism without Guarantees