9th International EMES Training School

The 9th EMES International Training School will take place in Trento (Italy) from 30 June to July 4, 2024.
The School is held every two years, and the 2024 theme is "Developing Transdisciplinary Research Capacities to Advance the SE Field in the Face of Multidimensional Crises: Exploring the different facets of the Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation."
The School will cover diverse research streams and disciplinary approaches, and innovative methodologies that are relevant to studying the “SE field” (including social enterprise, social economy, solidarity economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation).
This initiative is a collaborative effort between the EMES Network, EURICSE, and the University of Trento, with support from the European Social Innovation Campus (ESIC) project. The School is relevant to PhD students, final year Master's students and early career researchers.
More information about the School, including the Faculty Body can be found here.
Fortunately, the EMES School is being held after the CEI Summer/Winter School on Researching Postcapitalist Possibilities (18 to 27 June), so keen participants can attend both events.