New Diverse Economies Books

Three new books have been published recently in the Diverse Economies and Livable Worlds book series edited by J. K. Gibson-Graham, Stephen Healy, Maliha Safri and Kevin St. Martin, and published by University of Minnesota Press.
Caring for Life: A Postdevelopment Politics of Infant Hygiene (2024) by Kelly Dombroski
Cash, Clothes, and Construction: Rethinking Value in Bolivia’s Pluri-economy (2023) by Kate Maclean
The Solidarity Economy (2023) by Jean-Louis Laville (translated by Josh Booth)
Caring for Life: A Postdevelopment Politics of Infant Hygiene (2024) by Kelly Dombroski
Embracing global multiplicity and diversity in hygiene, health, and care assemblages, Kelly Dombroski offers hopeful and creative paths to socioecological change by guarding human and more-than-human life. This is a transformative book for our troubled times and essential for research on contemporary care practices.
María Puig de la Bellacasa,
Author of Matters of Care: Speculative Ethics in More Than Human Worlds

Cash, Clothes, and Construction: Rethinking Value in Bolivia’s Pluri-economy (2023) by Kate Maclean
At times, it feels like the global capitalist system is the only way to organize the urban economy, but in this exciting book, Kate Maclean offers absorbing insight into a place where quite different economic worlds are enacted. Based on in-depth research conducted over many years, this book constitutes a timely intervention into the entangled workings of economic plurality, cultural power, and urban change.
Julie Cupples, University of Edinburgh

The Solidarity Economy (2023) by Jean-Louis Laville (translated by Josh Booth)
The practices that can carry us toward a plural economy and a plural democracy already exist; the question is what kind of social change they can bring about.
from the Conclusion
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash