Introduction: Engaged Scholarship for Non-Capitalist Political Ecologies
In this introduction to a special section on non-capitalist political ecologies in the Journal of Political Ecology, we discuss how engaged researchers can significantly contribute to a meaningful "ecological revolution" by (1) examining the tremendously diverse, already-existing experiments with other ways of being in the world, (2) helping to develop alternative visions, analyses, narratives, that can move people to desire and adopt those ways of being, and (3) actively supporting and constructing economies and ecologies with alternative ethical orientations.
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Suggested citation
Burke, B. J. and B. W. Shear. 2014. "Introduction: Engaged Scholarship for Non-Capitalist Political Ecologies." In Burke B.J. and B.W. Shear (eds.), Non-Capitalist Political Ecologies: special section of the Journal of Political Ecology. 21: 127-144.