Articulating value in cooperative housing: International and methodological review
This research report was commissioned by the Australian Cooperative Housing Network, comprising Common Equity NSW, Common Equity Housing Ltd, the Federation of Housing Collectives, and Common Equity Housing South Australia. The report details the evidence for identified benefits of cooperative housing, the variables of business models in operation, and core enabling factors. On that basis, the report then presents a framework for a research methodology to capture primary data on the generation of value by rental cooperatives in Australia. It then presents an outline of the Australian context and sector and a review of cooperative housing sectors in selected countries. The country profiles are followed by a top-level overview of major global trends in cooperative housing. A conclusion and references complete the report.
Suggested citation
Crabtree, L.; Grimstad, S.; McNeill, J.; Perry, N. & Power, E. 2019. Articulating value in cooperative housing: International and methodological review. Institute for Culture & Society, Western Sydney University