Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art

Icebergian Economies of Contemporary Art offers reflections on art and economy, stimulated by J.K. Gibson-Graham’s representation of the economy as an iceberg. Themes include visible/invisible; blue line or the surface; the gloss over the dark matter; me versus the many; and art world/s.
Warm Bodies: Zom-Rom Solidarity Econ
A review of the film Warm Bodies (2013), a dark-comedy featuring zombies and romance. We read Warm Bodies as inhabiting today's growing social imaginary and belief that even amidst growing inequalities, austerity and unfolding ecological challenges, another world is truly possible.
A Postcapitalist Politics of Dwelling
In this article we draw on community economies and ecological humanities scholarship to tackle perhaps the most pressing question of our time. How do we live together with human and non-human others?
Women and Economic Activism in the Asia Pacific Region
How women's activism in the Philippines, China and Papua New Guinea is helping build and strengthen community economies.