New book introduces Spanish readers to the work of JK Gibson-Graham
A recently published book edited by Antònia Casellas from the Community Economies Research Network (CERN) and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Department of Geography), introduces Spanish readers to seminal texts by JK Gibson-Graham as well as new materials.
The three seminal texts included in the book are Spanish translations of:
- Chapter 1, “Strategies,” from The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It): A Feminist Critique of Political Economy (1996)
- “The possibilities of surplus: postdevelopment and community economics” from Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography (2005)
- “Diverse economies: performative practices for ‘other worlds’” from Progress in Human Geography (2008).
The new materials include a personal letter from Katherine Gibson to Julie Graham (click here for an English translation of the letter), an interview between Antònia Casellas and Katherine Gibson, and two chapters by Antònia Casellas: a bio-bibliographical chapter by that explores the trajectory of Gibson-Graham’s work from a point of view that is simultaneously lived and spatial, personal and academic; and a critical and interpretative essay on the main ideas and contributions of Gibson-Graham.
The book also includes a selected bibliography of Gibson-Graham’s works and 14 photos to illustrate the different moments and circumstances of Gibson-Graham’s professional, academic and personal trajectory.
J.K. Gibson-Graham. Hacia una economía postcapitalista o cómo retomar el control de lo cotidiano (Towards a post-capitalist economy or how to regain control of everyday life) is published by Editorial Icaria from Barcelona, and can be ordered here.
Since its publication in June 2022, Casellas has been busy making presentations, including one for the Catalan Geographical Society (July 4) and another during the International Conference on Crisis, Recovery and Gender: Feminist Spatial Perspectives, organised by the Commission on Gender and Geography International pre-Conference for the 100th International Geographical Union Congress (July 15).
This new book adds to the growing collection of Community Economies research that has been translated into Spanish (including the Retomemos la economía: una guía ética para transformar nuestras comunidades, the Spanish translation of Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities).
Jenny Cameron