Pouring Out Pouring In: Mapping Women's Work

Artist Ailie Rutherford has been working with Glasgow Women’s Library (GWL) to visualise the complex nature of work and care for many women. The Pouring Out, Pouring In exhibition shares prints and other outcomes from the Mapping Women’s Work workshop series at GWL. Building on a University of Glasgow study, the women involved have mapped out their multiple paid and unpaid roles, thinking together about how a more equitable economic system might look.
The University of Glasgow project ‘Women in multiple low-paid employment: pathways between work, care and health’ (2020-2024) is the first to study the nature and extent of women’s multiple low paid employment (MLPE) in the UK.
The work is funded by the Nuffield Foundation an independent charitable trust with a mission to advance social well-being. It funds research that informs social policy, primarily in Education, Welfare, and Justice.
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Ailie Rutherford, Caroline Gausden and Louise Lawson Pouring Out, Pouring In: Mapping Women's Work Published by Glasgow Women’s Library 2023