Ethan Miller

Land in Common
Wabanakik ("Maine, USA")

Other Affiliations


PhD, social and political thought (Institute for Culture & Society, Western Sydney University), 2015
MS, geography (UMass Amherst), 2011
BA, environmental studies (Bates College), 2000

Research Interests

My current activist & organizing practice focuses on decolonization, land decommodification, and  land justice & commoning. I'm a member of the staff collective of Land in Common community land trust, and I collaborate with many others to decolonize conservation in a variety of roles with an evolving movement/organization called First Light. My academic work (which I also see as activist work) aims to develop cross-cutting and integrative conceptual tools to strengthen solidarity economy and other postcapitalist, anticapitalist, and decolonial livelihood practices and organizing efforts. I live with my family and other beloved land stewards at Wild Mountain Cooperative on land held by Land in Common in unceded Abenaki homelands. I also grow fruit trees as part of the Wild Mountain Nursery worker cooperative, and I love playing music, swimming in wild rivers with my family, and learning how to build and fix stuff. 

Curriculum vitae