

Katherine Gibson

J.K. Gibson-Graham is the pen name of the economic geographersKatherine Gibson profile image Professor Katherine Gibson and the late Professor Julie Graham from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Katherine Gibson is Professorial Fellow in the Institute for Culture and Society at the Western Sydney University. An economic geographer by training, she has directed action research projects with communities interested in alternative economic development pathways in Australia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands and the Philippines.The late Julie Graham was professor of economic geography at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She engaged in research, activism and teaching related to diverse development pathways and community economies, including the economy of generosity that is fuelled by gifts of labor, goods and money, and the social economy comprised of social and community enterprises, not-for-profits, cooperatives, and other community-oriented organizations. Together Julie and Kath co-founded the Community Economies Research Network, which is an international network of researchers interested in building ethical economies for the future. J.K. Gibson-Graham’s earlier books include A Postcapitalist Politics (Minnesota, 2006), The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It): A Feminist Critique of Political Economy (Minnesota, 2006), and the edited collections Class and Its Others (Minnesota, 2000) and Re/ presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism (Duke, 2001). Along with Take Back the Economy, her recent publications include Making Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies, co-edited with Gerda Roelvink and Kevin St Martin (University of Minnesota Press, 2015), Manifesto For Living in the Anthropocene, co-edited with Deborah Bird Rose and Ruth Fincher (Punctum Press, 2015); and The Handbook of Diverse Economies, co-edited with Kelly Dombroski (Edward Elgar, 2020).

Jenny Cameron

Jenny Cameron is one of the 'downshifters' discussed in Chapter 2 ofJenny Cameron profile imageTake Back the Economy. She is putting this way of life into practice in a small fishing village on the east coast of the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand. Thanks to modern technology she stays connected with her academic colleagues across the the globe, and is currently serving on the Interim Board of Directors of the Community Economies Institute (as Secretary and with responsibility for Communications and Outreach). She continues to research and publish, and maintains a position as Conjoint Associate Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of Newcastle, Australia.


Stephen Healy

Stephen Healy is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for CultureStephen Healy profile image and Society at Western Sydney University. His research focuses on the relationship between postcapitalist organisation, subjectivity and transformational politics. He is exploring this relationship through a engaged research projects on the US Solidarity Economies, commons based approaches to development, climate readiness and the future of manufacturing. His publications include contributions to Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Antipode, Geoforum, Professional GeographerGender, Place, and Culture, Journal of Design Studies and Rethinking Marxism.