Kelly Dombroski

School of People, Environment & Planning
Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University
Aotearoa New Zealand


BA, Environment Studies, Massey University
MPhil, Development Studies, Massey University
PhD, Western Sydney University

Honors and Awards

2021 Rutherford Fellowship Transitioning to Caring Economies through Transformative Community Investment

2020 University of Canterbury Teaching Award

2017 University of Canterbury College of Science Emerging Researcher Award

2017 New Zealand Geographical Society President's Award for Early Career Researchers

Research Interests

I am interested in social and economic change in a wide variety of settings. My empirical work is based in multi-ethnic northwest China, urban Australia and around New Zealand. Currently I am a Rutherford Discovery Fellow working mainly on the project Transitioning to Caring Economies Through Transformative Community Investment. In recent years, I have been involved with the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities National Science Challenge, working on developing methods for communicating the urban wellbeing outcomes of a range of community organisations. With JK Gibson-Graham, I edited The Handbook of Diverse Economies with 58 chapters and 66 authors from more than 20 countries (Edward Elgar, 2020). With Mark Goodwin, Junxi Qian, Andrew Williams and Paul Cloke, I co-edited the 4th edition of Introducing Human Geographies (Routledge 2024). My book Caring for Life will be published in the Diverse Economies and Liveable Worlds Series of University of Minnesota Press (2024).

Contact Information

School of People, Environment & Planning

Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University 

Private Bag 11-222  

Papaioea | Palmerston North 4442

Aotearoa New Zealand